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Help at Home

If you're starting to struggle with everyday tasks, you may need support to help you remain independent at home. This could be for things like washing and dressing, or general help around the home.

Organisations can provide this type of support, known as personal care or home care, for as little as a couple of hours a week all the way to full-time.

Find organisations that can help you by searching our online Dewis Cymru search directory.  Using search words such as 'bathing', 'home care', or 'cleaning' or search through the categories:

  • Shopping, cooking and eating
  • Washing, dressing and using the toilet
  • Moving around safely at home
  • Home based care agencies

Whatever you are having difficulty with, the chances are there is a piece of equipment or technology that you can buy to help you, and our equipment and adaptations page provides some suggestions and ideas.

Our Sensory loss team may also be able to support you living independently at home with some sensory aids for hearing loss/Deafness and/ or visual loss/Blind, ness. Please visit their information page here: Hearing and Visual Sensory Support

The Home Support services, and project are part of a wider programme of work to help ensure that prevention and early help and support at home is consistently available for adults across Powys. You can read more about the support that is available via our Home support service: Early Help and Prevention at Home

Short term support

If you've just come out of hospital, or have had a period of illness and aren't coping at home, you may just need some extra support at home to get back on your feet.

Powys Adult Social Care Reablement Service can support you for as little as a couple of days up to a maximum of six weeks to help you relearn skills, regain confidence, or master new skills.

Some of the tasks we can provide support for include: getting up or going to bed, bathing or showering, and toilet needs.

If you are experiencing difficulty, ask for an assessment.

Will I have to pay?

If you are assessed to have a short-term support need to relearn skills, regain confidence, or master new skills, reablement services may be provided free for up to a maximum of six weeks. Sometimes you will need help for less than this period.

After this period, if you need longer term support, you may have to pay. To work out if you need to contribute to your support and what that amount might be, you will be asked to complete a financial assessment form.

If you have to pay for your long term support we can advise on how to get the services you need.

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