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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Business Start-up Grant

What you can use the grant for

The grant will apply to capital and/or revenue expenditure within an approved project and can include:

Capital expenditure:

  • Purchase of new or second hand equipment, e.g. plant, machinery, specialist equipment, etc. Please note plant could include items such as forklift trucks, telehandlers, excavators, etc. General vehicles such as vans and cars are not eligible. **see note below re: purchase of second hand items.
  • Specialist commercial vehicles, e.g. refrigerated vans, vans for specialised purposes, sign written or fitted out for a specific commercial use may be considered on a case by case basis.
  • Purchase and installation of equipment to create or enhance outdoor trading space, e.g., shelters, gazebos, etc. Please note you will need to provide evidence of the relevant permissions if appropriate, i.e., planning permission, licences, etc.
  • IT and Telecom hardware if linked directly to the delivery of the project.
  • Fixtures and fittings, furniture, and general office equipment etc. as part of a new office or office move.

Specialist revenue expenditure:

  • Specialist / technical training (not necessarily accredited)
  • Commissioning / Installation of Machinery
  • Specialist software
  • Production of websites, e-commerce/ online shops, apps, etc.

** websites and ecommerce development associated to the grant must be produced bilingually

  • Promotion and Marketing materials (assessed on a case-by-case basis)

** all marketing and promotional material must be produced bilingually.

  • Specialist Consultants (assessed on a case-by-case basis)
  • Quality Assurance Certification (assessed on a case-by-case basis)
  • Charges associated to the delivery of any capital equipment

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