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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Business Start-up Grant

Post Completion - Terms and Conditions

It should be noted that the Shared prosperity Fund Powys Business Start Up Grant is a discretionary grant and is subject to approval by Powys County Council.

The grant will be recovered should the business cease to trade, relocate or the property sold on within 5 years of award or if the creation of business or jobs are not achieved within the specified period.

Limited Companies must use the business bank account to purchase all the items associated to the grant. It is encouraged for Sole Traders and partnerships that all goods purchased in relation to the grant are purchased using the business bank account.

It is important to note that grants are paid retrospectively, so applicants must have the financial means to purchase the item(s) in full up front, and then claim the grant value from Powys County Council.

As grants are paid retrospectively, should the application be successful, the grant money is paid direct into the bank account of the applicant business. This is based on receipt or evidence of purchase and defrayment i.e. original or on-line printed bank statements and original invoices to confirm expenditure. Screen shots of individual transactions are not acceptable.

Any deviations to the application in terms of suppliers and expenditure must be requested to the grant team prior to purchase. Failure to seek approval may result in the grant not being paid for those items.

Photographic evidence of all items associated to the grant will be required to support the claim. In some instances, a site visit will be required.

The applicant must accept the terms and conditions of the grant by signing and returning the Shared prosperity Fund Powys Business Start Up Grant Offer agreement within 30 days from receipt. All expenditure associated to the grant must be completed within 4 months of the date of Grant Offer agreement.

The job(s) associated to the projects must be achieved within 6 months of the final payment of grant or March 2025 whichever is the earliest date. Monitoring of the business and jobs created will take place and evidence will be required. Failure to achieve the committed outputs could result in the claw back of grant funds.

For all grant purposes, monitoring of the claim and evidence will take place with prior notice at 1, 3 and 5 years from the date of award of the grant.

Should the project not proceed within the period stipulated in the grant offer agreement , the offer of grant will automatically lapse. An extension of the grant offer period can be made, provided that a request is made in writing. Any variation to the Terms & Conditions as set out in the Grant Offer agreement must be requested and agreed by the applicant to the grant team and authorised by the council.

Cash purchases will not be considered for grant payment. 

Items purchased through lease purchase, hire purchase, extended credit agreements/finance leases will not be considered for grant funding.

Items purchased with credit cards are eligible, but applicant will need to evidence the transaction on their credit card bill.

** Limited companies must use the business credit cards to purchase items associated to the grant instead of personal cards of the director(s).

Grants will not be offered or paid if the business or applicant is in arrears with any payment to any of the participating local authorities operating the scheme.

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