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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Business Start-up Grant

What you cannot use the grant for

Ineligible expenditure includes: -

  • General revenue expenditure such as, staff costs or any other taxes, hire purchase/lease purchases,
  • General Vehicles such as cars and vans
  • Premises improvement / minor building works.
  • Repair, maintenance, and decoration costs,
  • Replacement of existing fixtures and fittings.
  • Contingency fees and costs which were committed or spent before the offer and acceptance of the grant.
  • Working capital costs such as stock, rent, rates, administration.
  • Membership & affiliation to governing bodies, etc.
  • Costs of work being carried out as a legal statutory requirement, inc. planning permission.
  • Feasibility studies
  • If the business is VAT registered, then VAT will be ineligible. VAT will be payable in cases of non-VAT registered companies.
  • No expenditure should be incurred before grant approval as the grants cannot be awarded retrospectively. We cannot consider items that have been committed for purchase eg a security deposit without prior consent from the grants team. This will be given case by case consideration.
  • Cash purchases will not be considered for grant payment.
  • Items purchased through lease purchase, hire purchase, extended credit agreements/finance leases will not be considered for grant funding.
  • Items bought via credit cards are eligible but the applicant will need to show that the amount on the card has been paid in full before claiming the grant?.
  • Professional fees associated with general business consultants including business plans/ BID writing and any fees associated in completing an application for grants purposes

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