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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

What does the Wellbeing Assessment usually involve?


A social worker will be allocated to undertake the assessment. During the assessment the social worker will meet with parents and other professionals involved with the family, for example, the child's teacher or health professional.

The social worker will also see and talk to the child involved, and make sure they have a voice in their assessment.

The social worker will use a model of assessment to understand the family's strengths, what matters to them, and how their family, friends and professionals play a part in their life.

The assessment will consider;

  • The child's situation
  • What the child and family want to achieve
  • Assess any obstacles to achieving those goals
  • Assess any risk to the child if those goals are not achieved
  • Assess the family's strengths and capabilities

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