Advice for Tenants and Landlords

tenants and landlords info

Rent Smart Wales
Rent Smart Wales helps landlords and property managers in Wales to abide with legal obligations under the Housing (Wales) Act 2014. Since April 1st, 2020, most rental properties in Wales must have an Energy Performance Certificate with a rating of E or above. Landlords who fail to meet this, risk operating illegally. Powys County Council provides support and funding to improve properties to meet the UK standard.
Read more information (Go to Rent Smart Wales)
Advice for Private Tenants
Private tenants in Powys should know their legal rights and standards. If issues arise, they can report them to the council for inspection and resolution.
Read more information (Go to Advice for Private Tenants)
Advice for Private Sector landlords
If you're a new or existing landlord in Powys, we want to ensure you have the necessary information to meet your legal obligations. Our goal is to support you in providing good-quality accommodation and well-managed tenancies.
Read more information (Go to Advice for Private Sector landlords)
Houses in Multiple Occupation
A House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) is a property rented out by at least three people who are not from the same household but share facilities like the kitchen or bathrooms.
Read more information (Go to Houses in Multiple Occupation)
Rent Smart Wales
Rent Smart Wales helps landlords and property managers in Wales to abide with legal obligations under the Housing (Wales) Act 2014. Since April 1st, 2020, most rental properties in Wales must have an Energy Performance Certificate with a rating of E or above. Landlords who fail to meet this, risk operating illegally. Powys County Council provides support and funding to improve properties to meet the UK standard.
Read more information (Go to Rent Smart Wales)
Advice for Private Tenants
Private tenants in Powys should know their legal rights and standards. If issues arise, they can report them to the council for inspection and resolution.
Read more information (Go to Advice for Private Tenants)
Advice for Private Sector landlords
If you're a new or existing landlord in Powys, we want to ensure you have the necessary information to meet your legal obligations. Our goal is to support you in providing good-quality accommodation and well-managed tenancies.
Read more information (Go to Advice for Private Sector landlords)
Houses in Multiple Occupation
A House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) is a property rented out by at least three people who are not from the same household but share facilities like the kitchen or bathrooms.
Read more information (Go to Houses in Multiple Occupation)