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Find out if you need to contribute towards care services through a Financial Assessment

Do I have to have a financial assessment?

If you get help from services provided by the council, we may need you to pay something towards the cost. We work out whether people should pay towards the help they get according to their income and any capital they have.

The most we can charge for a package of community based care is £100 a week.

You can either have a financial means assessment to decide your contribution or you can choose pay for the cost of your services (up to £100 a week). It may be best to ask for a financial means assessment as the contribution we ask for towards your services may be less than the maximum charge - or even nothing at all.

Residential and nursing care contributions are worked out differently. We ask for a minimum contribution, and some people pay the full cost.  

How do we work out the charge?

A financial assessment officer can help you fill in the assessment forms. We look at your savings, income and investments, so we'll need to see proof of these. You can also have a welfare benefits check to make sure you are receiving all of the benefits you're entitled to. We'll tell you in writing what your weekly charge will be.

We've designed our charging policy to find the amount we can reasonably expect you to pay. It means that when you pay your charge, the income you have left does not fall below the level of your means-tested benefit plus an extra 45% we ignore. Every year we will review your financial circumstances and write to you to tell you what we have decided.

If you want to, you can ask a family member or representative to help you and act on your behalf in the assessment process. They can be with you during any assessments.

Residential/nursing home care

If you need residential or nursing home care then there are different financial assessment arrangements, set by the Welsh Government, which we have to follow.

We will have to decide whether you qualify for continuing health funding (which could mean that your needs are met by the NHS and are free). Your need has to be substantial and the application procedures can be quite complex. You can find out more by asking your care manager, the person assessing you, your doctor or Community Nurse.



  • Email:
  • Phone: 0345 602 7050 (8.30-4.45 Monday - Thursday and 8.30 - 4.15 Friday)
  • Emergency Duty Team 0300 333 2222 (Delta Wellbeing out of hours service)
  • Text: Adults in Powys who are deaf or have hearing loss can text the ASSIST team on 07883 307 622. (8.30-4.45 Monday - Thursday and 8.30 - 4.15 Friday)
  • Address: ASSIST (Adult Social Care), Powys County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG

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