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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Sustainability Appraisal (SA)

The Sustainability Appraisal consists of a number of documents which detail the SA that was carried out at every stage of the LDP's preparation.

All of the SA carried out at these stages can be accessed via the Council's LDP webpages.

For ease of reference, the final iterations of these documents, including Appendices, have been identified below, where there is a description of the document accompanied by a link to the document itself.




  • Document Title: Appendix 2 - Consideration of Growth Options and Alternatives at Preferred Strategy
  • Description: Consideration of Growth Options and Alternatives at Preferred Strategy
  • Date: September 2017
  • Link to Document:  Sustainability Appraisal (Sep 2017) (PDF) [1MB]


  • Document Title: Appendix 3 - Assessment of the Vision, Objectives, Policies and Spatial Strategy of the Plan
  • Description: Assessment of the Vision, Objectives, Policies and Spatial Strategy of the Plan
  • Date: September 2017
  • Link to Document:  Sustainability Appraisal (Sep 2017) (PDF) [1MB]



  • Document Title: Appendix 4 - Assessment of Settlement Hierarchy (Towns, Large Villages and Small Villages)
  • Description: Assessment of Settlement Hierarchy (Towns, Large Villages and Small Villages)
  • Date: October 2016
  • Link to Document: Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendix 4 - (Oct 2016)







  • Document Title: Appendix A (see SEA)
  • Description: 
  • Date: 
  • Link to Document: