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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Session 6: Transport / Infrastructure - 6th April 2017

Transport, Infrastructure and Delivery

Matters & Issues Agenda (PDF) [237KB]


  • ID: PCC
  • Representor (Agent): Powys County Council
  • Attended: Yes



  • ID: 78
  • Representor (Agent): Home Builders Federation
  • Attended: No

Statement:  6-78 (PDF) [285KB]


  • ID: 6235
  • Representor (Agent): CPRW
  • Attended: Yes

Statement:  6-6235 (PDF) [482KB]


  • ID: 1084
  • Representor (Agent): Welsh Government
  • Attended: Yes

Statement:  6-1084 (PDF) [156KB]


  • ID: 6348
  • Representor (Agent): Welsh Water - attending Session 6 instead of Sessions 2 & 3
  • Attended: Yes
