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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Matters Arising Changes Representations

All duly made LDP representations (comments) on the LDP Matters Arising Changes, September 2017 are available from the links below.

To find a comment made by a particular representor (person or organisation) search by the unique representor number. If you do not know your representor number, please refer to the index (PDF) [114KB] below.

NB; files with 'NDM' in their title are 'Not Duly Made'.

Representors List (PDF) [114KB]

5466.N27 Not Duly Made

5466.N28 Not Duly Made

5466.N29 Not Duly Made

6160.N5 Not Duly Made

6424.N2 Not Duly Made

6771.N5 Not Duly Made

6858.N1 Not Duly Made

6858.N2 Not Duly Made

6859.N7 Not Duly Made

7060.N2 Not Duly Made

7060.N3 Not Duly Made

7060.N4 Not Duly Made

7060.N5 Not Duly Made

7060.N6 Not Duly Made

7060.N7 Not Duly Made