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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

ED061 - ED080

ED061  Renewable Energy Position Statement, May 2017 (PCC) (PDF, 1 MB)

ED062  Review of approach to archaeology and Offa’s Dyke in the LDP - AP11.4 (PCC) (PDF, 6 MB)

ED063  Welsh Government letter regarding statutory guidance on the compilation and use of Historic Environment Records - AP11.9 (WG, April 2017) (PDF, 131 KB) 

ED064  Email correspondence between CPRW and Inspector re Renewable Energy Session 15 (May 2017) (PDF, 111 KB)

ED065  Implications of the Dyfi Biosphere Reserve on the land use planning system - AP11.6 (CPRW, May 2017) (PDF, 1 MB) 

ED066  The evidence for and a policy approach to Carbon Soils in Powys - AP11.7 (CPRW, May 2017) (PDF, 1 MB)

ED067  Redraft of Policy DM3 - Landscape - AP11.3 (CPRW, May 2017) (PDF, 445 KB) 

ED068  The Protection of Powys' Undeveloped Coast - AP11.4 (CPRW, May 2017) (PDF, 224 KB)

ED069  CPRW Powys suggested policy on agriculture, intensive livestock units - AP11.16 (May 2017) (PDF, 106 KB)

ED070 Suggested routes for Inspector submitted by Mrs J Lee-Tappin - 331 (June 2017): 

ED071  Updated overview to LANDMAP (NRW, June 2017) (PDF, 2 MB)

ED072 New Technical Advice Note (TAN) 24: The Historic Environment and accompanying guidance: 

ED073  Statement of Common Ground between PCC and Mineral Products Association agreed 26 May 2017 - AP7.1 & AP7.5 (PDF, 403 KB)

ED074  Statement of Common Ground between PCC and Defence Infrastructure Organisation agreed 15 June 2017 (PDF, 325 KB)

ED075-76 No audio recording of Sessions 15A & 15B as objection received.

ED077  Hearing Session 16 audio recording (ZIP, 107 MB) 

ED078  Statement of Common Ground between PCC, Scottish Power and Western Power Distribution agreed 26 June 2017 (PDF, 278 KB) and  Email from SPEN confirming capacity limitations (PDF, 96 KB)

ED079 Checking of Statutory Environmental Constraints and Solar Local Search Areas (June 2017): 

ED080 Cymraeg 2050: Welsh language strategy (Welsh Government, July 2017)


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