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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

ED061 - ED080

ED061  Renewable Energy Position Statement, May 2017 (PCC) (PDF) [1MB]

ED062  Review of approach to archaeology and Offa’s Dyke in the LDP - AP11.4 (PCC) (PDF) [6MB]

ED063  Welsh Government letter regarding statutory guidance on the compilation and use of Historic Environment Records - AP11.9 (WG, April 2017) (PDF) [131KB] 

ED064  Email correspondence between CPRW and Inspector re Renewable Energy Session 15 (May 2017) (PDF) [111KB]

ED065  Implications of the Dyfi Biosphere Reserve on the land use planning system - AP11.6 (CPRW, May 2017) (PDF) [1MB] 

ED066  The evidence for and a policy approach to Carbon Soils in Powys - AP11.7 (CPRW, May 2017) (PDF) [1MB]

ED067  Redraft of Policy DM3 - Landscape - AP11.3 (CPRW, May 2017) (PDF) [445KB] 

ED068  The Protection of Powys' Undeveloped Coast - AP11.4 (CPRW, May 2017) (PDF) [224KB]

ED069  CPRW Powys suggested policy on agriculture, intensive livestock units - AP11.16 (May 2017) (PDF) [106KB]

ED070 Suggested routes for Inspector submitted by Mrs J Lee-Tappin - 331 (June 2017): 

ED071  Updated overview to LANDMAP (NRW, June 2017) (PDF) [2MB]

ED072 New Technical Advice Note (TAN) 24: The Historic Environment and accompanying guidance: 

ED073  Statement of Common Ground between PCC and Mineral Products Association agreed 26 May 2017 - AP7.1 & AP7.5 (PDF) [403KB]

ED074  Statement of Common Ground between PCC and Defence Infrastructure Organisation agreed 15 June 2017 (PDF) [325KB]

ED075-76 No audio recording of Sessions 15A & 15B as objection received.

ED077  Hearing Session 16 audio recording (ZIP) [107MB] 

ED078  Statement of Common Ground between PCC, Scottish Power and Western Power Distribution agreed 26 June 2017 (PDF) [278KB] and  Email from SPEN confirming capacity limitations (PDF) [96KB]

ED079 Checking of Statutory Environmental Constraints and Solar Local Search Areas (June 2017): 

ED080 Cymraeg 2050: Welsh language strategy (Welsh Government, July 2017)