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Supporting Evidence

The evidence supporting the proposed Matters Arising Changes (MACs) is located within the LDP Examination Library

In particular, regard should be had to the Examination Documents.

These include Examination Document ED039 Action Points arising from Hearing Sessions, because the proposed MACs reflect the action points (AP) agreed by the Planning Inspector as part of the LDP hearing sessions (March - July 2017).

Supporting evidence in relation to Policy RE1 - Renewable Energy and Solar Local Search Areas (MAC123 and MAC124)

Given the high level of interest shown in relation to the renewable energy proposals contained in the LDP.  Collated below in date order for ease of reference are the links to the supporting evidence held in the Examination Library.

May 2017

ED059 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Assessment, 2017 (AECOM) (PDF, 3 MB)

ED059 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Assessment, 2017 part 1 maps (AECOM) (PDF, 13 MB)

ED059 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Assessment, 2017 part 2 Biomass (AECOM) (PDF, 4 MB)

(Council note: Please also refer to the two errata to the above published as ED039.15 appendices 1 and 4 below).

ED060 Powys Renewable Energy Assessment - Landscape Sensitivity Study for Solar Farm Development, 2017 (Enplan) (PDF, 17 MB)

ED060 Powys Renewable Energy Assessment - Landscape Sensitivity Study for Solar Farm Development, 2017 (Enplan) Appendix A (PDF, 37 MB)

ED061 Renewable Energy Position Statement, May 2017 (PCC) (PDF, 1 MB)

June 2017

Statements and evidence provided for the Renewable Energy Hearing Sessions held on the 27th and 28th June 2017 can be viewed at:

Session 15A: Renewable Energy - 27th June 2017

Session 15B: Renewable Energy - 28th June 2017

ED074 Statement of Common Ground between PCC and Defence Infrastructure Organisation agreed 15 June 2017 (PDF, 325 KB)

ED078 Statement of Common Ground between PCC, Scottish Power and Western Power Distribution agreed 26 June 2017 (PDF, 278 KB) and Email from SPEN confirming capacity limitations (PDF, 96 KB)

ED079 Checking of Statutory Environmental Constraints and Solar Local Search Areas (June 2017):

Explanation Statement from PCC (PDF, 144 KB)

Solar LSAs Constraints Map (PDF, 6 MB)  (Council note - Please also refer to the revised LSA boundaries in ED039.15, appendix 5, below)

July 2017

ED039.15 Hearing Session 15 - Action Points revised (PDF, 258 KB)

October 2017

ED086 CPRW letter to Inspector re MAC consultation which includes a reference table for locating the proposed Solar LSAs in the Matters Arising Changes (Proposals Maps) and the Landscape Sensitivity Study [ED060] (9.10.17) (PDF, 597 KB)


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