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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Report of Consultation and Submission: January 2016

LDP23 Deposit Plan Representations

LDP24  Register of Alternative Sites (PDF) [15MB] &  Erratum to Register of Alternative Sites (January 2017) (PDF) [1MB]

LDP25 Cabinet Report (December 2015)

LDP26  Consultation Report (January 2016) (PDF) [505KB]

Updated Consultation Report (April 2016) (PDF) [583KB]

Consultation Report (January 2017) (PDF) [994KB]


*A number of representations contained supporting documents or material that could not be presented electronically. These are identified in Appendix 5a and 5b. The Inspector has agreed to some being saved as Examination Documents (e.g. ED033 and ED034). If you would like to see all of a particular representation please contact the LDP team via or the Programme Officer. All these documents are available in the paper Examination Library at the Gwalia, Llandrindod Wells, and all submitted documents have been forwarded in full to the Planning Inspector. 

LDP27  Statement of Suggested Main Issues for Consideration at Examination (Jan 2016) (PDF) [247KB]

LDP28  List of representors requested to participate in hearings (updated 8.2.16) (PDF) [211KB]

LDP29  Self Assessment of Soundness (Jan 2016) (PDF) [512KB]

LDP30 Full Council Report Deposit (April 2015)

LDP31  Notice of Exploratory Meeting on 10 May 2016 (Apr 2016) (PDF) [136KB]

LDP32 List of Documents Submitted for Examination including Evidence Base:

LDP33  Submission letter to Welsh Government & Planning Inspectorate (Jan 2016) (PDF) [89KB]

LDP34  Composite Deposit LDP showing proposed Focussed Changes (Jan 2016) (revised April 2016 with ref points) (PDF) [2MB]

LDP35  Consultation Report Update Submission email (20.5.16) (PDF) [55KB]