Further Focussed Changes Consultation: October 2016
LDP36 Notice of Further Focussed Changes to the LDP (October 2016) (PDF, 50 KB)
- Further Focussed Changes Consultation Letter (October 2016) (PDF, 287 KB)
- Further Focussed Changes Representation Form (PDF, 280 KB)
LDP37 Schedule of Proposed Further Focussed Changes – Addendum to the Deposit LDP (October 2016) (PDF, 1 MB) and Further Focussed Changes Appendix 1 – Map Changes (Oct 2016) (PDF, 37 MB)
LDP38 Sustainability Appraisal Powys LDP (Oct 2016) (includes Appendices 1, 2 & 3) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendix 4 - Assessment of Settlement Hierarchy (Towns, Large Villages and Small Villages) (Oct 2016)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendix 5 - Assessment of Site Allocations (Oct 2016)
- Sustainability Appraisal Report - Appendix 6 - Assessment of Candidate Sites (Oct 2016)
LDP40 SEA Environmental Report (Oct 2016) (includes Appendices 1, 2, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7 & 8) (PDF, 5 MB)
- SEA Environmental Report - Appendix 3A (Oct 2016) (This appendix remains unchanged from January 2016) (ZIP, 608 KB)
- SEA Environmental Report Appendix 3B (Oct 2016) (ZIP, 154 KB)
- SEA Environmental Report - Appendix 3C (Oct 2016)
LDP41 Integrated Impact Assessment (Oct 2016) (PDF, 639 KB)
LDP43 Representations received to FFC consultation (Oct-Nov 2016):
To view the representations made on the Schedule of Further Focussed Changes please go into the relevant document below and click on the RefPoint (which looks like this: ® 44.1- an ® symbol followed by a number) associated with that Further Focussed Change. To view representations made on the accompanying Habitat Regulations Appraisal, SEA Environmental Report and Sustainability Appraisal please click on the links below.
Please note that the comments displayed for a Refpoint also include any comments made at the earlier Deposit Plan and Focussed Changes stages. To determine which stage a comment was made look at the letter within the Rep ID; Further Focussed Changes = U, Focussed Changes = F, and the Deposit Plan = V.
Schedule of Further Focussed Changes (LDP37)
Further Focussed Changes Map Schedule 2016 with refpoints (PDF, 37 MB)