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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Apply for Planning Permission

You can submit planning applications online in association with the National Planning Portal, the UK Government's online planning and building regulations resource for England and Wales.


Sustainable drainage systems. From 7 January 2019, there will be new legislation in place making it mandatory to have sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) on all new developments of more than 1 house or new developments with construction area greater than 100m2 (10m x 10m). Visit the County Council's Sustainable Drainage Approval Body (SAB) webpage or Welsh Government website to find out more about the legislation.


Apply Online at the Planning Portal 


The Powys Local Development Plan (2011-2026) sets out the County Council's land use policy and proposals. It was adopted on 17th April 2018. Reading and considering it along with the supplementary planning guidance will provide an indication of the acceptability of proposals. It should therefore be considered at an early stage in the preparation of a planning application.

You may prefer to apply using hard copy application forms. You can download forms here.

Card Payments can be made by telephone to Planning Services.  We also accept cheque payments made payable to Powys County Council and sent to Planning Services, Powys County Council, County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5LG


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