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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Customer Charter

Powys County Council aims to provide the highest quality services delivered as efficiently and effectively as possible.  Whenever you contact us we want to ensure you receive the highest level of service.  Our Customer Charter sets out our expected service standards. If you feel we are falling short of these please let us know.


We will:

  • Treat you with dignity and respect
  • Be open and honest
  • Be polite and professional at all times
  • Treat all our customers fairly and equally
  • Respond to enquiries promptly 
  • Provide bilingual Officers
  • Ensure our services are accessible and easy to use
  • Communicate clearly and without jargon
  • Be helpful and responsive to your needs


In return we ask that you: 

  • Treat our staff with respect
  • Be considerate and polite
  • Provide the information we need to deliver services
  • Let us know if something goes wrong, so we can put things right


Contacting Us:

When you contact us we will try to deal with your question straight away, if that is not possible we will aim to respond to your query within 10 working days; if your question is more complicated we will inform you of what is happening within 5 working days and respond to you fully within 20 working days.

If you are making a complaint we follow the Councils Corporate Complaints Policy (PDF, 285 KB).

Contact us by:

Phone: We will answer your call within 2 minutes. We will ensure that if we are unable to help you we will tell you the person who can.

Email: We will acknowledge your e-mail and provide a response within 10 working days.

Post: We will reply within 10 working days.


If your query is more complicated we will inform you of what is happening within 5 working days and respond to you fully within 20 working days.


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