Digital Powys
Our vision: "Embracing new technologies to improve our customers' experience."
The way we work and live our lives today is changing rapidly. Digital technologies are having a big impact on the way we:

- connect with each other,
- receive information,
- access a variety of services
Alongside the more traditional ways to get in touch with the council, we are investing in digital to give you more choice about how, when and by what means you interact with us.
We are also investing in systems to support our employees so they can work more efficiently.
Our Digital Powys strategy will see us embark on ambitious projects to ensure that Powys is a place where you can connect, communicate and access the services that you need from us both quickly and efficiently.
Five work streams have been developed to transform our digital offer. The first two may be of particular interest to you as residents. Click on the tabs below to find out more on these work streams:
- Customer Centred Digital Solutions - ensuring our processes are designed around your needs
- Digital Places - creating digital services to connect and support businesses and communities
- Information Excellence - using digital tools to integrate, share and understand data to make good decisions
- Digital Workforce - developing the digital skills of our workforce
- Digital Infrastructure & systems - providing a fit and robust infrastructure for Powys County Council employees.
Keeping You Informed
We want to keep you informed on everything we do across the other work streams too. These are equally important to ensure we become as efficient an organisation as possible by using digital tools and technologies to support our staff and speed up every day processes. We will also keep any data you share with us safe and secure and ensure our systems are robust.

Read our Digital Strategy - it's interactive!
Customer Centred Digital Solutions

Digital Places