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Digital Powys Strategy: Customer Centred Digital Solutions

Accessing services from home

Our aim is to create and improve the way in which you as residents interact with the council so it is as quick and easy as possible to get the services you want and need.


Accessing services from home
What we've done:

In December 2018, the Powys website was fully migrated to our new web platform which offers our customers an accessible, fully mobile and responsive online experience.


We have set up three specific pages to help you get to the services you need quickly and easily.  They are:

  • Request, This page helps you to do things like apply for or renew a blue badge, request support from the council's Adult Social Care service called ASSIST or get a commercial vehicle or trailer permit
  • Report, This page helps you to report a problem such as a faulty street light, dog fouling, a blocked drain or a noisy neighbour
  • Pay, This page lets you pay for a parking permit, pay your council tax or council housing rent and top up your child's school meals account

We have also set up a My Account service which once activated allows you to see a number of interactions with the council in one place and track the progress and status of any requests you've made.  With over 46,000 registered customers and an improved service offer our customer satisfaction has risen from 68% to 80% during 2019.  More options to report or request services will be added into the My Account portfolio including the ability to report problems with bridges, drainage, roads and footways.  Residents who took up the garden waste collection service will also be able to pay online every year ahead of the service recommencing. Why not set up an account today? 



Customer Centred DIgital Solutions Image
What are we going to do?   

  • Design our process and interactions in line with customer needs
  • Work to ensure all council services are available online
  • Provide 24 hour customer support
  • Recruit digital champions to support our customers
  • Increase the number and quality of digital services
  • Develop digital solutions to promote independent living


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