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Supply Chain Sustainability Portal

Supply Chain Portal Information

Background Introduction Supply Chain Portal Questionnaire Information for Suppliers

Background to the Supply Chain Portal

Powys County Council Cabinet has placed tackling the climate and nature emergencies at the heart of its new Stronger Fairer Greener Corporate Plan declaring a Climate emergency in 2020, and a nature and biodiversity emergency in 2022.

Read more information (Go to Background to the Supply Chain Portal)

Introduction to the Supply Chain Portal

The online portal is designed to support social care providers in Powys with their sustainability and carbon reduction plans. Our aim is to create a supply chain with credible knowledge and skill regarding decarbonisation and climate change.

Read more information (Go to Introduction to the Supply Chain Portal)

Supply Chain Portal Questionnaire

Welcome to Powys County Council's Supply Chain Sustainability Portal - the portal is designed to help support the decarbonisation of your organisation.

Start Questionnaire (Go to Supply Chain Portal Questionnaire)

Information for Suppliers

The Information for Suppliers page has been designed to provide additional Climate Change and Biodiversity, Procurement and Social Care resources to help upskill and decarbonise your organisation.

Read more information (Go to Information for Suppliers)
Background Background

Background to the Supply Chain Portal

Powys County Council Cabinet has placed tackling the climate and nature emergencies at the heart of its new Stronger Fairer Greener Corporate Plan declaring a Climate emergency in 2020, and a nature and biodiversity emergency in 2022.

Read more information (Go to Background to the Supply Chain Portal)
Introduction Introduction

Introduction to the Supply Chain Portal

The online portal is designed to support social care providers in Powys with their sustainability and carbon reduction plans. Our aim is to create a supply chain with credible knowledge and skill regarding decarbonisation and climate change.

Read more information (Go to Introduction to the Supply Chain Portal)
Supply Chain Portal Questionnaire Supply Chain Portal Questionnaire

Supply Chain Portal Questionnaire

Welcome to Powys County Council's Supply Chain Sustainability Portal - the portal is designed to help support the decarbonisation of your organisation.

Start Questionnaire (Go to Supply Chain Portal Questionnaire)
Information for Suppliers Information for Suppliers

Information for Suppliers

The Information for Suppliers page has been designed to provide additional Climate Change and Biodiversity, Procurement and Social Care resources to help upskill and decarbonise your organisation.

Read more information (Go to Information for Suppliers)

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