Information for Families and Learners
Useful Resources for Families and Learners in Powys
The Child Poverty Task Force has created a booklet of useful resources for families and learners in Powys.
The booklet is also intended to support professionals when signposting families to support and has been designed so that individual pages can be used as posters or in school newsletters etc.
Useful resources for families and learners in Powys (PDF, 2 MB)
Child Welfare
Community Support
- Powys Association of Volunteer Organisations (PAVO)
- Powys Foodbanks
- The Hive | Llandrindod Wells Working Together
- North Powys Wellbeing Programme
Culture and Recreation
Directories and Information
Domestic Abuse Support Organisations
Education and Childcare
- Flying Start
- Childcare Offer for Wales
- Early Years Wales
- Pre-School Admissions
- Applying for a School Place
- Apply for school transport
- Tax-free Childcare Scheme
- Free school meals
- NPTC Group of Colleges
- School Clothing Grant
- Welsh-medium education
Employment and Permits (Children and Young People)
Financial and Money Advice
- Citizens Advice Powys
- Family Fund - Helping Disabled Children
- Powys Money and Advice Service
- StepChange Debt Charity
- Turn2us
Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Area 43
- Mind Cymru
- Samaritans Cymru
- Childline
- NHS 111 Wales
- Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
- C.A.L.L. Mental Health Helpline
National Organisations
Parent and Family Support
- Action for Children Parent Talk
- Credu Support for Unpaid Carers
- Contact Cymru
- Early Help Team
- Family Centres
- Family Information Service
- Foster Wales
- Home-Start Cymru
- Parenting Support