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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Powys' Play Sufficiency Assessment Executive Summary 2022

Way forward

Below is our Powys Action Plan, which has identified the priority themes for the next three years, separated into annual plans. The plan has been informed by the evidence of shortfalls, with actions identified for all areas that have been assessed as amber or red and are therefore in need of improvement, as well as feedback from services and partners who have contributed to the Assessment.

  • Actions/Priorities: Partners, services, key stakeholders, positions of influence and organisations to recognise the importance of play and acknowledge when planning, providing and delivering services.  Joint services meetings to be held throughout the year.
  • When: Each Year
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter F, Matter I
  • Actions/Priorities: Development of joint working, objectives and outcomes
  • When: Each Year
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter D
  • Actions/Priorities: Identify and acquire additional funding streams / grants, particularly for youth clubs and play networks.  Consider an annual small ring-fenced fund to secure playwork provision.
  • When: Each Year
  • Targets: Between partners find 1-2 additional funding streams per year
  • Link to Matters: Matter D, Matter G, Matter H
  • Actions/Priorities: Wider range of engagement and consultation events and focus groups, including specifically re Welsh speaking population), recognising UNCRC Right 12 - children have a right to a say in matters that affect them. Improve feedback loop.
  • When: Each Year
  • Targets: At least 1 engagement and consultation event per year
  • Link to Matters: Matter B, Matter C
  • Actions/Priorities: Review and extend play and playwork training offer
  • When: Each Year
  • Targets: Partners and organisations to identify and apply for funding to offer more training
  • Link to Matters: Matter G
  • Actions/Priorities: Ongoing promotion of information data points (Dewis / Info Engine) and signposting opportunities.
  • When: Each Year
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter D
  • Actions/Priorities: Make data available to others (promotion, dissemination, sharing) and for the purposes of planning.  Map future Play surveys using GIS.
  • When: Each Year
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter A, Matter B
  • Actions/Priorities: Further development of central record keeping.  Central body to take responsibility for collection of workforce data from commissioned and regulated services, akin to new approach from Social Care Wales for Social Care workforce data. Local Authorities to provide an accurate and full list of all commissioned services, regulated and non-regulated, that provide playwork services and to collate and submit the workforce data.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter E, Matter G
  • Actions/Priorities: Create central register of all open spaces and play areas and annual monitoring to confirm that safety inspections have been carried out.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: Establish what is currently available. Identify any additional requirements. Develop registers as appropriate.
  • Link to Matters: Matter C
  • Actions/Priorities: Further work with schools to develop understanding of play and community use of school grounds.Revisit communication with schools to enable more support to be given to schools with regard to outdoor activities, play and the wellbeing of children, including information and encouragement given to schools to open grounds for play e.g. Play Wales information sheets and support. Long-term plan to ensure that schools balance covid risk against access for outside agencies.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: Link with Community Focus Schools Grant and successful bids received
  • Link to Matters: Matter C, Matter I
  • Actions/Priorities: Support schools to take up Kerb Craft/ Cycle training within any constraints of the facilities that they have.  Review the commissioning of these programmes so that it is a requirement to work with the facilities that the school has to offer.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: Establish what provision already exists
  • Link to Matters: Matter F, Matter I
  • Actions/Priorities: Work with Sustrans to develop Playground based walking and cycling activities.
  • When: Year 2
  • Targets: Work with schools to enhance Kerb Craft/ Cycle training
  • Link to Matters: Matter F, Matter I
  • Actions/Priorities: Further development of Active Travel towns to increase walking and cycling. Consider whether there should be exceptions to the Active Travel Design Guide to enable more routes to be approved. Review classifications/ application of the guidance.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter F
  • Actions/Priorities: Support T&CCs and community groups during CAT process to consider play and learn how to carry out play value and OSA assessments.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: Make contact with T&CCs
  • Link to Matters: Matter C
  • Actions/Priorities: Further develop relationships, engagement and collaborative working with Town and Community Councils.  Use Llangattock case study as example to encourage communities to make more disabled access and provision locally.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter C, Matter H
  • Actions/Priorities: As part of the LDP review process, update Open Space Assessment,  undertake Green Infrastructure Assessment and strengthen policy framework for promoting walking and cycling opportunities. (will include relooking at standards and integration with green infrastructure. Through LDP monitor range of outdoor provision and highlight gaps to inform future plans.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter C, Matter F ,Matter I
  • Actions/Priorities: Ensure that protection for school playing fields is in place and applied when disposal decisions are made, through Open Spaces Assessment and LDP Policy DM3.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter C
  • Actions/Priorities: Housing to actively pursue closure of the development housing loophole, whereby planning applications can be split to reduce number of units and avoid OSA requirements.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter C
  • Actions/Priorities: Include play needs on gypsy traveller sites in the upcoming assessment of municipal housing located play areas.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter B
  • Actions/Priorities: Prioritise bilingual signage re play, including no dogs allowed.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter C, Matter F
  • Actions/Priorities: Further development of holiday play provision and opportunities for specific groups, which are currently limited and short of funding
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter D
  • Actions/Priorities: Emphasise the alternatives to fixed play equipment and promote Play Wales information and guidance to all partners regarding good play environments.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter C
  • Actions/Priorities: Development and promotion of outdoor life skills and further development of physical literacy programmes. Encourage all schools to implement Powys Playful Schools Programme and to use creative play  as a tool for wellbeing and Covid recovery. Encourage more early years settings to join Health Schools scheme.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter I
  • Actions/Priorities: Develop data gathering to monitor provision of regular outdoor play in schools.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter I
  • Actions/Priorities: Support schools to develop more out of hours opportunities for Foundation age children. Support schools to develop more lunchtime and out of hours clubs and activities and to work with Play Networks to become Playful Schools. Following pilot, roll out of national scheme on opening of school grounds outside of school hours.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter I
  • Actions/Priorities: Encourage and promote the benefits of older people and younger people together.  Post Covid, when allowed, extend the range of play based intergenerational activity.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter I
  • Actions/Priorities: Local Transport Plan 2020 onwards and Transport Services address the need to recognise and consider the importance of offering play opportunities for children  and identifies ways of assessing and addressing the needs of all groups including those that are often marginalised. Carry out community engagement in relation to public transport. Improve data provision to adequately evidence need.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter F, Matter I
  • ​​​​​​​Actions/Priorities: Improve bin emptying at playgrounds - separate dog poo bins.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: Discussion between Powys Services
  • Link to Matters: Matter C
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Actions/Priorities: Promote risk/benefit approach to H&S assessments, including to T&CCs.
  • When: Year 1
  • Targets: To be discussed and agreed with relevant departments
  • Link to Matters: Matter I

For further detail and information please view the full Play Sufficiency Assessment Play in Powys - Powys County Council