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Notice: Household Flood Claim Form - Storm Bert & Storm Darragh: Were you affected???

Level 1

level 1 - Survey

Housing Services Group 100 (HSG 100)

The aim of the "Housing Services Group 100" is to make getting involved as easy as possible. We would like to get at least 100 Powys County Council tenants to be part of this group, however the more who join, the better. Tenants will be contacted about housing issues and services that they have indicated an interest in. Several options are available for contact (e.g., telephone, email and post). Members of this group will receive an annual newsletter.


Every two years the Council carries out a STAR Customer Satisfaction Survey, with a percentage of tenants via a telephone call by an independent market research company. The information collected is used to help develop and improve our Housing Services. The results are shared with the Tenants Scrutiny Panel, and they are published in the Open House newsletter.

New Tenancy Surveys are sent to new tenants, seven weeks after their tenancy has commenced. The surveys are completed either by email or a telephone call. The Resident Engagement Team follow up any outstanding issues and a quarterly report is provided to the Tenants Scrutiny Panel and the Housing Management Team.

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