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Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) and Minor Adaptation Grants (MAGs)

What are they?

Adaptation grants are funded by Welsh Government and administered by the Council to overcome problems experienced by disabled applicants in enjoying independence and a fulfilling life at home.

What are they for?

Disabled Facilities Assistance can be used for:

  • Facilitating access to get in, out and around your home or garden
  • Providing adequate heating, lighting and power
  • Adapting kitchen facilities
  • Creating a ground floor bedroom or bathroom facilities
  • Adapting a bathroom to your needs

Who can apply?

DFGs are only available to disabled people when works to adapt their home are deemed necessary and appropriate to meet their needs. Private Sector Housing handle cases refereed from Social Services who individually assess the needs of a disabled client and have recommended housing adaptations as a result. Homeowners or tenants may apply for disabled facilities grants subject to a test of financial resources and have proof of ownership or tenancy together with the owner's consent.

What do they cover?

Most common works include -

  • Handrails
  • Widening doors
  • Ramps to access property
  • Stair lifts
  • Overhead hoists
  • Level access showers

Conditions and limitations?

Adaptations are only possible where its reasonable and practicable to do so. If your home is unsuitable to be modified or works would not be cost effective, applications may be rejected. Successful applications from those with high incomes may also require a financial contribution. There is also a requirement to remain in the adapted property for a minimum of 10 years after completion of works. Grant may cover works up to a maximum of £36,000. Projects exceeding this amount may be declined or topped up with a loan registered as a local land charge.

How to apply?

There's no need to be concerned about applying for a Grant. If you're worried it may be difficult, please contact Care and Repair in Powys. They provide independent help and advice and are able to act on your behalf, they will help you prepare the application or and arrange for the works to be undertaken right through to completion.

Care and Repair can be contacted on 01686 620760 or visit Care & Repair in Powys (

If you wish to apply direct, please contact Powys People Direct on 01597 827666.

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