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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Repair Responsibility

Some repairs are our responsibility

Some repairs are your responsibility, and you will need to do them promptly, or pay someone to do them for you. These include:

  • replacing damaged door handles, latches, letter boxes and knockers
  • replacing locks and keys where lost or damaged
  • unblocking sink, bath and toilet waste pipes, and cleaning gullies, if blockage is caused by household waste
  • replacing broken or damaged windows and door glazing (unless broken by us or our contractors)
  • replacement of internal doors where wilfully damaged
  • trimming of doors to clear floor coverings
  • replacement of plugs and chains in baths, sinks and basins
  • toilet seats and covers
  • replacement of cracked and broken wall tiles
  • electrical fuses, bulbs, tubes and plug tops
  • shelving, coat hooks etc.
  • pelmets and curtain fittings
  • internal decoration
  • replacement of fire baskets, frets, bars, firebricks and glass strips to heating appliances where less than two years old
  • inter-property fencing
  • flexible gas tubes for cookers
  • paths (except for main paths leading to front and back doors)
  • dustbins and clothes drying facilities

If you ask us, we can carry out work for which you are responsible, but this work will be charged to you.  See charges for rechargeable repairs.

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