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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme

If your home is hard to heat, call Nest

Image of the Nest logo


The Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme is here to help you keep warm and save money on your energy bills.

Nest is open to all householders in Wales and provides advice on saving energy, money management, energy tariffs, and benefit entitlement.  

You could be eligible for free home energy efficiency improvements if you meet all three conditions below:

  • You own or privately rent your home (not from a local authority or housing association)
  • Your home is energy inefficient and expensive to heat
  • You or someone you live with receives a means tested benefit OR has a chronic respiratory, circulatory or mental health condition and an income below the defined thresholds

The energy efficiency improvements may include a new central heating boiler or insulation. 

If your home is hard to heat, please contact Nest on Freephone 0808 808 2244 for free advice and to see if you are eligible for energy saving home improvements, or visit for more information.