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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

The Right to Buy Scheme

Information for Powys County Council tenants about the end of the Right to Buy & Right to Acquire in Wales

The Welsh Minister has granted suspension of the Right to Buy and Right to Acquire in Powys with effect from 17 November 2017. 

In addition, the National Assembly for Wales decided to end the Right to Buy, the Right to Acquire and associated rights altogether for the whole of Wales. The rights end for tenants of new homes on 24 March 2018 and for all other tenants on 26 January 2019

Information about the abolition of the Right to Buy is available on the Welsh Government website. This includes information in easy read, large print and different language formats.

Other means of assistance to help you buy a home may be available. Please visit the Welsh Government's website "Your home in Wales" 


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