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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Annual reports: the council's Annual Report and the One Powys Plan.

Strategies and business plans: strategies, business and service plans for directorates, departments and services including the One Powys Plan and the Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan.

Performance plans: for example best value performance plans and auditor's reports.

Performance reviews: performance information including for example Comprehensive Performance Assessments, the One Powys Plan, Equalities Performance reviews and performance improvement plans for departments.

Strategies developed in partnership with other authorities: For example housing strategies and plans, education strategies, homeless strategies, customer involvement strategies, crime reduction strategies.

Forward plan of Key Decisions: for example, forward work plans for our Cabinet, Scrutiny Committees and Audit Committees.

Capital strategy: Capital and Asset Management Strategies and Plans.

Best value performance indicators: Information about the Council's Best Value Performance Plan and about inspections and annual governance reports.

District auditor's reports on the best value performance plan and performance indicators: for example within District Audit Reports, the Annual Report and Best Value Reports.

Comprehensive performance assessment: Information about Comprehensive Performance Assessment, or equivalent.

Inspection reports: Publicly available inspection reports. 

Local Area Agreements: Partnership agreements made by the Council by working with various groups and partnerships in the public, private, voluntary, community and faith sectors.

Statistical informationProduced in accordance with the Council's and departmental requirements.  For example information about schools attendance, and population and employment.

Impact assessments: Executive Reports containing Impact Assessments (such as Equality Impact Assessments).

Service standards: Customer Charter and service standards (Housing Landlord service)

Public service agreements: Local public service agreements.

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