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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Practical Support for tenants

There are a number of options available to help new tenants furnish their home.

These include:

Image of hands holding a model house

  • Discretionary Assistance Fund or Loan
    The Discretionary Assistance Fund and Budgeting Loans may be available for individuals who are in receipt of certain benefits.
  • Furniture Schemes
    The Phoenix Community Furniture Scheme is a registered charity based in Newtown and recycles donated furniture, household effects and electrical items from the public.
  • Websites
    Freecycle is a 'not for profit' website which enables people to advertise and pass on unwanted items to others who need them. All items are available free of charge and the website also offers the opportunity for individuals to post 'wanted' advertisements for items that they need.


Floating Support

Floating Support is a service that provides housing related support to vulnerable adults (over 16) to enable them to maintain their independence in their own home.  Floating support services will generally be short term (less than 2 years) and will have the flexibility to support a person wherever they live - as distinct from accommodation based services, where support is tied to particular accommodation.

Please find detailed below organisations for further support/advice;


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