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Notice: Careline customers please be aware of this scam (January 2025)

Licences to work on or near roads

To work on or occupy a public highway you must apply for the appropriate licence.  The term 'highway' includes roads, lanes, carriageways, pavements, footways and verges.


Skip licence (on a road)

If you're carrying out building or maintenance work, you may need to put a skip on the road. The skip operator will need permission to place the skip on the road.

Scaffolding / bunting licence

You will need a licence if you are carrying out any building work/maintenance/erection of seasonal decorations (bunting) or removal of any part of a property which is next to the public highway (road, pavement or rear lane). The safety of all users of the highway is paramount.

Building materials on the highway

If you need to place building materials on any part of the highway, you will need a licence from the Council. These licences are normally provided under the Highways Act section 171.

Road opening licence (excavations etc)

Any private contractors who want to carry out roadwork excavations in the highway must apply for and be granted a licence before work starts. The 'highway' includes carriageway, footway and verge.

Dropped kerb (vehicle access) licence

If you need access between your home and the highway and the area between the home and the road needs to be changed to allow this, you'll need permission from the Highway Authority before work can begin.

Using the pavement, road, verge or highway

The council can licence part of the highway for trading or pavement cafes. The council does not however licence the use of any pavement, road, verge or other highway for street displays or advertising signs.

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