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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Wellbeing Information Bank

Well-being Information Bank

Welcome to the Well-being Information Bank!  Here you can find information and data about Powys, select a well-being topic below to explore the interactive data.


View information on population numbers, population projections, population density, place of birth and ethnicity, number of households and household size and household projection figures.


View information about waste management, fly tipping, air quality, flood risks, carbon dioxide emissions, renewable energy data and energy consumption in Powys.


View statistics from Powys regarding broadband and mobile, businesses, claimant count, furloughed employments, employment workforce and employment figures by industry.

Culture and Community

View information around crime rates, welsh language, killed or seriously injured on roads, rail journeys, poverty and road length and conditions in Powys.


View information regarding disability and sensory loss, unpaid carers, delays in transfer of care, health of adults, lifestyle and school benchmarking within Powys.