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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Ask for a council housing repair

If you have an emergency such as repairs or homelessness and need to contact us when our offices are closed after 5pm or on weekends or bank holidays, please call 01597 827464. Any calls which are not classified as a priority will be dealt with on the first morning the offices reopen after the weekend or Bank Holidays.

Upon receiving your request, we will contact you to arrange a convenient time to either inspect or undertake the works reported. We operate a Repairs by Appointment system when arranging repairs. This enables us to carry out works at a time that suits you.

Before you fill in the form, check to see whether the repair is your responsibility or is something that is planned to take place.

Explain in the 'Details' section of the form:

  • what needs to be repaired or replaced
  • what the problem is
  • what the cause of the problem is (if known)
  • where it is: inside or out, upstairs or down
  • can you describe the item (size, shape, what it is made of)?
  • is it causing any other problems or damage?
  • the best time for someone to come and look at the problem

The more clearly you explain your problem, the quicker we can respond.

Ask about a repair

Please do not use this form to report emergency repairs. For emergencies, please ring 01597 827464.

General Repairs Enquiry General repair enquiry 

Ask for a Repair Ask for a repair

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